International Daily Newspaper


The largest newspaper in the Unites States, published in broadsheet and online versions


The Publisher needed improvements in:

  • Overall Customer Satisfaction

  • Monitoring the voice of the customer

  • Understand customer’s viewpoint from an end-to-end experience

  • Monitor customer feedback during the transition from print to online

  • Register customer experience in changes to the online rollout


CR-X collected feeds from every customer survey touch point.
This included Net Promoter Scores, online CSAT, email surveys and Contact Center agent notes. CR-X corelated each of these survey metrics by customer and individual customer experience.

Voice recordings from actual customer interactions, during inbound calls to the Contact Center, were transcribed and ingested into the CRX model.

Using the power of CR-X text analytics and sentiment analysis, the voice of the customer was captured and weighted.

The transcribed calls, the associated meta data and all survey results associated with these interactions were merged and presented in compelling, drillable dashboards.

Additionally, triggers and alerts were added that showed when certain satisfaction scores feel below predefined thresholds.

The dashboards provide management with the ability to view customer interactions by product type, geography, customer demographic and numerous other dispositions.
Collections of interactions can be viewed, and the actual call recordings associated with these interactions can me played back using the CR-X dual channel media player.